Ataxia and Other Rare Disease Events

Coronavirus has limited our ability to deliver face to face content to you but it does not stop us from delivering you the the best possible information we could through zoom meetings and podcasts, we have covered it all for you. Stay connected to get all the latest updates on Ataxia and other rare diseases.

The Genetics Podcast

Exploring all things genetics. Cambridge University Alumnus and current CEO of Sano Genetics Dr Patrick Short analyses the science, interviews the experts and helps share the stories of people who have been personally affected by genetic conditions. To take part in the latest research studies mentioned in this podcast please visit

Two Disabled Dudes Podcast

Sean and Kyle are both affected by a rare disease called Friedreich’s ataxia (FA). FA affects their balance and coordination, significantly limiting their physical abilities. However, both dudes have completed several long distance bike rides including “The World’s Toughest Bike Race” – Race Across America (RAAM). Their RAAM journey is the subject of an award winning documentary called The Ataxian.

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